News & Announcements
Communication – This school year, Wenzel will be sending school-wide information on Wednesday. Please check your Wednesday folders for school-wide news.
Class Tag – Each of our teaching staff will also be using Class Tag as a primary form for communicating with families. Please accept the invite and join Class Tag to allow you to directly message your student’s teacher with questions. We hope this will expedite responses to questions you may have regarding your student.
Welcome Back Wenzel Familes!
A letter from Principal Ryan
Dear Caroline Wenzel Elementary School Students, Family Members, and Staff,
I am truly honored to introduce myself as the new principal at Caroline Wenzel Elementary School. I know this upcoming school year will be full of hope and promise. As I announce a new era of leadership here at Caroline Wenzel Elementary School, I want to take a moment to recognize the leadership of Mr. Yang and the successes that Caroline Wenzel Elementary School experienced during his tenure. Thank you, Mr. Yang, for paving the way to a brighter future for us all.